Thursday, August 28, 2014

Who are other Mothers ?

     post card hidden in my address book 

                        A post card my Aunt and Uncle sent for my birthday last year

 Best friends Shannon, Meghan, Jennifer, Cindy, Janet, Kathryn, Sarah, Betsy, Kim, Megan,Diana,Karen & Margaret
My Mothers Joyce & Colleen My Grandmothers Martha, Kay and Sally My Aunts Kathy, Audry, Kayleen, Marcia 
and my sister Heather
The woman for whom I babysat. They taught me how to be a mother. All the mothers who's company I have enjoyed when our children were little,middle and now young adults. All the friends across the country during our "student" daze and all the mothers that have encouraged me. All the mothers who inspire and love my own 3 children.  The young mothers who's children I am blessed to Nanny for!

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